On the page «Payment», you can take a closer look at the methods of payment and acquisition of commercial materials from the website of «Andrey Nosov’s Guitar School.» I assure you that the price for sheet music and lessons won’t appear to be too high and the quality will really please you.


1. Click «Buy online» next to the product name and go to the desired section of the online store. Or go to the «Online store» of the website and select the desired product category.

2. Find the desired product manually or through the search and read its description and content.

3. Select the currency (under the sanctions imposed on Russia, the most likely option is cryptocurrency), payment method and enter the e-mail address to receive the product. The selected data will be automatically saved for repeat purchases.

4. Get the product.

Information on Purchase Security. The guarantors of purchase security are:

  • 1) PayPal, which provides you with payment protection;
  • 2) The long-standing, unblemished reputation of Andrey Nosov’s Guitar School on the Internet (the Russian version of the website has been operating since 2004).

Quality Assurance. Any sheet music or text material on the website of «Andrey Nosov’s Guitar School» is in Portable Document Format (PDF). PDF is the most commonly used format for electronic documents, which allows users to view documents at high-quality resolution and doesn’t require any specific software (the format is so popular that it is supported by not only a variety of free programs but also web browsers).

But when transferred via the Internet, PDF documents can undergo unfavorable changes. For example, the content may become partially or fully lost or the archive where files are packed for easier transfer may be damaged.

It rarely occurs but can happen sometimes. Therefore, I consider it my duty to announce that I (Andrey Nosov) value my relationships with my clients and will replace any damaged files as fast as possible. Please contact me if you have this kind of problem (my e-mail address is specified below). But before you do so, be sure that you are trying to open the file with a program that supports PDF files (not a program for just viewing images, for example). In addition, if it’s not a bother, try to check the document on another device that has successfully opened this type of file before. The problem will probably be solved without my involvement.

And one more thing. Any PDF file from the website of «Andrey Nosov’s Guitar School» has no restrictions on opening the file or copying it (including when printing). The password is set only to prevent changes in the content or document properties. Therefore, if a PDF file requests a password, it means that you are trying to edit it. Please open the PDF document in Read Mode in order to avoid requests for entering a password.

It is possible to return the funds only in one case: if the goods have not been received by the buyer. In cases of improper, in the opinion of the buyer, quality (see the information above), no refund is made. Just in case… My products are among the best on the Internet (as can be seen from the 1st pages of materials), so you will not have to complain about their inadequate quality.

Contact e-mail – guit.nosov@gmail.com

Andrey Nosov


Offline sale is performed with the personal involvement of Andrey Nosov, the author of the materials.

Advantages of this method:

  • 1) you can communicate directly with the seller, which is very important for pre-paid purchases (details are described later);
  • 2) the price for materials is slightly lower than buying online (due to the absence of the online store’s price markups).


  • 1) you can only buy 2 or more items (as opposed to the online store, where you are allowed to buy any number of items);
  • 2) at a given period of time, I may not be in the office, so there is a possibility that you’ll get the paid item only a few hours later (unlike when buying in the online store, you get the download link immediately after payment).

Conclusion: Offline purchase suits those who want to save some money and don’t need the item right away.

How to buy. To buy guitar lessons offline, you need to transfer the sum equal to the total cost of the items to be acquired (no less than 10 items) to my PayPal account. Then, send a message to my email address, containing the following three bits of information:

  • 1) Your name and email address on your PayPal account;
  • 2) The sum of the transfer;
  • 3) Lesson numbers or compositions titles.

The subject of the message might be named as follows: Offline Payment.

Then, calmly wait for the materials to arrive in your email inbox. I’ll send them as fast as I can (If it’s not possible to send the files through email, I’ll send you the link to download the files from the cloud storage).

PayPal account for payment – guit.nosov@gmail.com

Contact e-mailguit.nosov@gmail.com

Information on Purchase Security. The guarantors of purchase security are:

  • 1) PayPal, which provides you with payment protection;
  • 2) The long-standing, unblemished reputation of Andrey Nosov’s Guitar School on the Internet (the Russian version of the website has been operating since 2004);
  • 3) Any paid content can be bought online, which means that there is no obstacle in acquiring the content with the personal involvement of the seller.

Quality Assurance. Any sheet music or text material on the website of «Andrey Nosov’s Guitar School» is in Portable Document Format (PDF). PDF is the most commonly used format for electronic documents, which allows users to view documents at high quality resolution and doesn’t require any specific software (the format is so popular that it is supported by not only a variety of free programs, but also web browsers).

But when transferred via the Internet, PDF documents can undergo unfavorable changes. For example, the content may become partially or fully lost or the archive where files are packed for easier transfer may be damaged.

It rarely occurs but can happen sometimes. Therefore, I consider it my duty to announce that I (Andrey Nosov) value my relationships with my clients and will replace any damaged files as fast as possible. Please contact me if you have this kind of problem (my e-mail address is specified below). But before you do so, be sure that you are trying to open the file with a program that supports PDF files (not a program for just viewing images, for example). In addition, if it’s not a bother, try to check the document on another device which has successfully opened this type of file before. The problem will probably be solved without my involvement.

And one more thing. Any PDF file from the website of «Andrey Nosov’s Guitar School» has no restrictions on opening the file or copying it (including when printing). The password is set only to prevent changes in the content or document properties. Therefore, if a PDF file requests a password, it means that you are trying to edit it. Please open the PDF document in Read Mode in order to avoid requests for entering a password.

Contact e-mailguit.nosov@gmail.com

Andrey Nosov


Guitar lessons – €2 for one lesson.
You will receive a PDF text document with links to view-download audio files and videos.

Sheet Music from the rubric «Sheet Music + Tabs» – €2 per copy.
You’ll get: 1 – Sheet music with tablature (pdf); 2 – Sheet music without tablature (pdf). Attached is a link to download mp3.

Sheet Music from the rubric «Vocals & Guitar» – €2 per copy.
The recording corresponds with the sheet music and includes a vocal part with the lyrics underlay, a guitar part with detailed fingering, and lyrics. The guitar part has a version with tablature, as well. Attached is a link to download mp3.

Sheet Music from the rubric «Guitar Ensembles»: Duets – €4, Trios – €6, Quartets – €8, Quintet – €12, Sextets – €16. You’ll get: 1 – Full Score (pdf); 2 – Playing part for each guitar (pdf). Attached is a link to download mp3.

Customized Musical Arrangement

Guitar Solo

Cost of adaptation of a short-form composition (songs, arias, art songs, etc.) is €50. No advance payment required. Payment via PayPal;

You will get classical guitar sheet music with tabs (PDF), classical guitar sheet music without tabs (PDF), and the composition audio files (Mp3). You can review my works at this page of my website: «Guitarist’s Library» > «Sheet Music + Tabs».

Vocals and guitar

Cost of adaptation of a short-form composition (songs, arias, art songs, etc.) is €50. No advance payment required. Payment via PayPal;

You will get classical guitar sheet music with tabs (PDF), classical guitar sheet music without tabs (PDF), and the composition audio files (Mp3). You can review my works at this page of my website: «Guitarist’s Library» > «Vocals & Guitar».

Guitar Ensembles

Cost of adaptation of a short-form composition (song music, instrumental pieces, etc.) is: duet – €50, trio – €65, quartet – €80. Cost (and expediency) of musical arrangement for a larger number of guitars may be discussed separately. No advance payment required. Payment via PayPal;

You will get full score (PDF), sheet music for each guitar (PDF), and the composition audio files (Mp3). You can review my works at this page of my website: «Guitarist’s Library» > «Guitar Ensembles».