Here are samples of sheet music with tablature (each sample has a version without tabs). There are also other samples of sheet music. To view them, please open the «The Guitarist’s Library» and select the desired category.

Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.0)

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Collection No.0 contains samples of products sold in the website’s online store.

Sheet Music Presentation
O' Sole Mio (E.Di Capua)

Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.1)

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1 – Angie (M.Jagger-K.Richards) #The Rolling Stones
2 – Feelings (M.Albert)
3 – Hotel California (D.Felder-D.Henley-D.Frey) #The Eagles
4 – The House of the Rising Sun (American folk song) #The Animals
5 – Love Me Tender (G.R.Poulton)
6 – Only You (B.Ram-A.Rand)
7 – Stairway to Heaven (J.Page-R.Plant) #Led Zeppelin
8 – Still Loving You (R.Schenker-K.Meine) #Scorpions
9 – Wind of Change (K.Meine) #Scorpions
10 – Yesterday (J.Lennon-P.McCartney) #The Beatles

Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.2)

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11 – Song about Waltz (E.Kolmanovsky) #Val`s o val`se *
12 – Katyusha (M.Blanter)
13 – Moscow Windows (T.Khrennikov) #Moskovskie okna *
14 – Blue Shawl (J.Petersburski) #Sinij platochek *
15 – Accidental Waltz (M.Fradkin) #Sluchajnyj val's *
16 – The river Volga flows (M.Fradkin) #Techyot reka Volga *
17 – "And years are passing" from "Volunteers" (M.Fradkin) #A gody letyat *
18 – "To That Highroad" from "The Straight Story" (M.Fradkin) #Na tot bol`shak *
19 – "Why My Heart Is So Disturbed" from "True Friends" (T.Khrennikov) #Chto tak serdtce rastrevozheno *
20 – "There is only glimpse" from "The Sannikov Land" (A.Zatsepin) #Est` tol`ko mig *
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Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.3)

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21 – And I Love Her (J.Lennon-P.McCartney) #The Beatles
22 – Jingle Bells (J.Pierpont)
23 – Michelle (J.Lennon-P.McCartney) #The Beatles
24 – My Way (C.Francois-J.Revaux)
25 – Strangers In The Night (B.Kaempfert)
26 – What a Wonderful World (G.D.Weiss-B.Thiele)
27 – "Summertime" from "Porgy and Bess" (G.Gershwin)
28 – "Moon River" from "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (H.Mancini)
29 – "Somewhere over the Rainbow" from "The Wizard Of Oz" (H.Arlen)
30 – "Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head" from "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" (B.Bacharach)

Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.4)

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31 – Moscow Nights (V.Solovyov-Sedoi) #Podmoskovnye vechera *
32 – The Pitch Black Raven (Russian Folk Song) #Chyornyj voron *
33 – Forgive, if you can (A.Ostrovsky) #Esli mozhesh', prosti *
34 – The Cranes (Author Unknown) #Zhuravli *
35 – Lyrical song of Sormovo (B.Mokrousov) #Sormovskaya liricheskaya *
36 – Two Banks (A.Eshpai) #Dva berega *
37 – The Last Sunday (J.Petersburski) #Utomlyonnoe solnce *
38 – Tenderness (A.Pakhmutova) #Nezhnost' *
39 – "Russian Field" from "The Elusive Avengers" (Y.Frenkel) #Russkoe pole *
40 – "What's a beginning of the Motherland" from "The Shield and the Sword" (V.Basner) #S chego nachinaetsya Rodina *
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Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.5)

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41 – Besame Mucho (C.Velasques) #Kiss Me Much
42 – Cielito lindo (Mexican Folk Song)
43 – El Condor Pasa (D.A.Robles) #The Condor Passes
44 – La Cucaracha (Mexican Folk Song) #The Cockroach
45 – La Paloma (S.Iradier) #The Dove
46 – La Peregrinacion (A.Ramirez) #Alouette
47 – The Girl from Ipanema (A.Jobim)
48 – The Shadow of Your Smile (J.Mandel)
49 – Tico-Tico no Fuba (Z.Abreu)
50 – "Manhа de Carnaval" from "Orfeu Negro" (L.Bonfa) #Morning of Carnival

Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.6)

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51 – Under the white snow (E.Rodygin) #Belym snegom *
52 – Classmates (V.Dmitriev) #Odnoclassniki *
53 – Where's your smile, Micky (G.Titov) #Gde tvoya ulybka, Mishka *
54 – Up to Sixteen Years (S.Tulikov) #Do 16 let *
55 – My Dear Mother (P.Maiboroda) #Ridna mati moia *
56 – Such thing never repeats (S.Tulikov) #Ne povtoriaetsia takoe nikogda *
57 – "Help Me" from "The Diamond Arm" (A.Zatsepin) #Pomogi mne *
58 – "The Hares' Song" from "The Diamond Arm" (A.Zatsepin) #Pesnya pro zajcev *
59 – Music from "Gentlemen of Fortune" (G.Gladkov) #Dzhentl'meny udachi *
60 – "The City of Dreams" from "Gangster Petersburg" (I.Korneliuk) #Gorod, kotorogo net *
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Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.7)

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61 – Une Vie D'Amour (G.Garvarentz) #A Life of Love
62 – Les Feuilles Mortes (J.Cosma) #Autumn Leaves
63 – Music from "Le Jouet" (V.Cosma) #The Toy
64 – Music from "Love Story" (F.Lai)
65 – Music from "Un Homme et une Femme" (F.Lai) #A Man and a Woman
66 – Music from "Les Compères" (V.Cosma) #ComDads
67 – Music from "Les Parapluies de Cherbourg" (M.Legrand) #The Umbrellas of Cherbourg
68 – Music from "Emmanuelle-I" (P.Bachelet)
69 – Music from "Emmanuelle-II" (F.Lai)
70 – "Windmills of Your Mind" from "The Thomas Crown Affair" (M.Legrand)

Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.8)

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71 – The Scarlet Dawn (A.Morozov) #Zor'ka alaya *
72 – Parting Waltz (Y.Frenkel) #Val's rasstavaniya *
73 – The song of first love (A.Babajanian) #Pesnya pervoj lyubvi *
74 – I love you till I cry (I.Krutoy) #Ya lyublyu tebya do slyoz *
75 – How Young We Were (A.Pakhmutova) #Kak molody my byli *
76 – Blossomed under the window (M.Chumakov) #Rastcvela pod okoshkom *
77 – Don't Cry (I.Duhovnyi) #Ne plach' *
78 – "Little Boat" from "True Friends" (T.Khrennikov) #Lodochka *
79 – "White Acacia Fragrant Blossoms" from "Days of Turbin" (V.Basner) #Beloj akacii *
80 – "Are you waiting, Elizabeth" from "Alexandr Parhomenko" (N.Bogoslovsky) #Ty zhdyosh', Lizaveta *
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Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.9)

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81 – Blue Canary (V.Fiorino) #Canario Triste
82 – O' Sole Mio (E.Di Capua)
83 – For Love one can Die (E.Morricone)
84 – Santa Lucia (Canzone Napolitana)
85 – Tarantella Napoletana (Traditional Italian)
86 – Torna a Surriento (E.Curtis)
87 – "Chi Mai" from "The Professional" (E.Morricone)
88 – "Le Vent, le Cri" from "The Professional" (E.Morricone)
89 – Music from "The Godfather" (N.Rota)
90 – Music from "The Sicilian Clan" (E.Morricone)

Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.10)

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91 – Snow (I.Bilyk) #Sneg *
92 – God, What a Trifle (S.Trofimov) #Bozhe, kakoj pustyak *
93 – Night (S.Trofimov) #Noch' *
94 – Ninth Grade (B.Monastyrsky) #Devyatyj klass *
95 – Poplars (G.Ponomarenko) #Topolya *
96 – Cornflowers (P.Aedonitcky) #Vasil'ki *
97 – Eastern song (D.Tukhmanov) #Vostochnaya pesnya *
98 – My Little Bright Star (V.Semyonov) #Zvyozdochka moya yasnaya *
99 – Along the Murom Tract Road (Russian Folk Song) #Na Muromskoj dorozhke *
100 – "Kurochkin's Kuplets" from "The Wedding with Dowry" (B.Mokrousov) #Kuplety Kurochkina *
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Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.11)

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101 – From Souvenirs to Souvenirs (S.Vlavianos)
102 – Espuma de Champagne (J.M. de Lucchesi)
103 – Nostalgia (F.Goya)
104 – Recuerdo Florido (E.Rossi)
105 – Seven Forty (Jewish Folk)
106 – Pardonne-moi Ce Caprice D’enfant (P.Carli)
107 – I Love You Much too Much (C.Santana)
108 – Nathalie (J.Iglesias)
109 – Non m'amava (A.Guercia) #Net, ne lyubil on *
110 – Music from "Shindler's List" (J.Williams)
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Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.12)

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111 – What Guitar Cry (M.Dolgan) #O chyom plachut gitary *
112 – Parting (Russian Folk Song) #Razluka *
113 – From dawn to dawn (M.Fradkin) #Ot zari do zari *
114 – Station lights (B.Fomin) #Ogni vokzala *
115 – As the soldiers served (M.Blanter) #Kak sluzhil soldat *
116 – Where are You, My Garden (V.Solovyov-Sedoi) #Gde zh ty, moj sad *
117 – Solar bunny (A.Fliarkovskiy) #Solnechnyj zajchik *
118 – "Tango Ostap" from the film "12 chairs" (A.Zatsepin) #Gde sredi pampasov *
119 – Lovely, brothers, lovely (N.Bogoslovsky) #Lyubo, bratcy, lyubo *
120 – I had dreamed of you three years (N.Bogoslovsky) #Tri goda ty mne snilas' *
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Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.13)

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121 – Greenfields (T.Gilkyson, R.Dehr, F.Miller) #Gorod detstva *
122 – Song From a Secret Garden (R.Lovland)
123 – Adios Muchachos (J.Sanders)
124 – Tanya Polka (Los Monarcas)
125 – Abrazame (R.Ferro-J.Iglesias)
126 – Love is Blue (A.Popp)
127 – L’abeille Et Le Papillon (H.Salvador)
128 – Hava Nagila (Jewish Folk Song)
129 – Manchester et Liverpool (A.Popp)
130 – Music from "The Pink Panther" (H.Mancini)
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Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.14)

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131 – Where Are You (B.Mokrousov) #Gde ty *
132 – Near the Black Sea (M.Tabachnikov) #U Chyornogo morya *
133 – White Light (O.Feltsman) #Na tebe soshyolsya klinom belyj svet *
134 – The Sea Spreads Wide (Author Unknown) #Raskinulos' more shiroko *
135 – Music from the film "Farewell, Pigeons" (M.Fradkin) #Vot i stali my na god vzroslej *
136 – "In the forest in spring" from "The Fate of the Resident" (E.Agranovich) #Ya v vesennem lesu *
137 – "So many golden lights" from "It Happened in Penkovo" (K.Molchanov) #Ognej tak mnogo zolotyh *
138 – "You can't hide from people in the village" from "It Happened in Penkovo" (K.Molchanov) #Ot lyudej na derevne ne spryatat'sya *
139 – "Boats full of Kefalets" from "Two Soldiers" (N.Bogoslovsky) #Shalandy polnye kefali *
140 – "Dark is the Night" from "Two Soldiers" (N.Bogoslovsky) #Tyomnaya noch' *
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Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.15)

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141 – Eternal Light (A Chanukan Song)
142 – O Que Sera (Ch.Buarque)
143 – Silver Guitar (I.Kovаcs)
144 – Bei Mir Bistu Shein (Sh.Secunda)
145 – Music from "Le Grand Blond Avec Une Chaussure Noire" (V.Cosma) #The Tall Blond Man…
146 – Music from "Le Passager de la Plu" (F.Lai) #Rider on the Rain
147 – Music from "La Chèvre" (V.Cosma) #Knock on Wood
148 – Music from "Les Fugitifs" (V.Cosma) #The Fugitive
149 – Music from "The Sandpit Generals" (L.Oliveira)
150 – Music from "The Last Witch Hunter" (S.Jablonsky)

Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.16)

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151 – National Anthem of Russia (A.Alexandrov) #Gimn Rossii *
152 – I Recognise My Darling by his Dancing (Russian chanson) #Ya milogo uznayu po pohodke *
153 – Forelock (Russian chanson) #Chubchik kucheryavyj *
154 – "Where are you Hiding" from "The Girl Without an Address" (A.Lepin) #Kuda zhe ty skrylas' *
155 – "The Little Prince" from "The Passenger "Equator" (M.Tariverdiev) #Malen'kij princ *
156 – "Sea Shore" from the film "The Red Tent" (A.Zatsepin) #Bereg morya *
157 – "20 Years Later" from the film "Take Care of Women" (Yu.Antonov) #20 let spustya *
158 – Music from the film "The Long Road in Dunes" (R.Pauls) #Dolgaya doroga v dyunah *
159 – "Heartless Doll" from "The Girl Without an Address" (A.Lepin) #Kukla besserdechnaya *
160 – "What I'm Sad About" from "The Girl Without an Address" (A.Lepin) #O chyom ya pechalyus' *
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Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.17)

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161 – Polka (M.Glinka)
162 – Viburnum (M.Novikas) #Kalina *
163 – I Love (A.Bronevitcky)
164 – Our loved ones (D.Tukhmanov) #Nashi lyubimye *
165 – "Darkie" from "Only Old Men Are Going to Battle" (A.Novikov) #Smuglyanka *
166 – "Marusya" from the film "Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future" (A.Zatsepin)
167 – "On the Edge" from the film "Alexander Garden" (S.Trofimov) #Na krayu *
168 – Love Theme from "The Master and Margarita" (I.Kornelyuk)
169 – "On the porch at your door" from "The Wedding with Dowry" (B.Mokrousov) #Na krylechke *
170 – "Will You Forgive My Mistakes" from "Three days in Odessa" (S.Bondarenko) #Opravdaesh' li ty *
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Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.18)

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171 – A Place in Russia (V.Shainsky) #Ugolok Rossii *
172 – In the Land of Magnolias (A.Morozov) #V krayu magnolij *
173 – Lilies of Valley (O.Feltsman) #Landyshi *
174 – Charming Eyes (Old Russian Romance) #Ocharovatel'nye glazki *
175 – Dark Eyes (F.Hermann) #Ochi chyornye *
176 – The First Kiss (I.Granov)
177 – On the far outskirts of the village (N.Budashkin) #Za dal'neyu okolicej *
178 – "In this birch grove" from "We'll Live Till Monday" (K.Molchanov) #V etoj roshche beryozovoj *
179 – "When Spring Comes" from "Spring on Zarechnaya Street" (B.Mokrousov) #Kogda vesna pridyot *
180 – "Yura's Song" from "Spring on Zarechnaya Street" (B.Mokrousov) #Pesenka Yury *
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Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.19)

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181 – Starfall (A.Pakhmutova)
182 – Twilight (A.Vasiliev)
183 – Maple (Yu.Akulov) #Tam, gde klyon shumit *
184 – Birds of Passage Fly (M.Blanter) #Letyat perelyotnye pticy *
185 – Silence behind the Rogozhskaya outpost (Yu.Biryukov) #Tishina za Rogozhskoj zastavoj *
186 – "Maple Trees" from "The Girls" (A.Pakhmutova)
187 – "The Echo of Love" from "Destiny" (E.Ptichkin)
188 – Music from "The Mystery of the Third Planet" (A.Zatsepin)
189 – "Jujalarim" from "Well, Just You Wait!" (G.Guseinli) #Cyp-cyp-cyp, moi cyplyata *
190 – Music from "Well, Just You Wait" (Estonian folk) #Na pticeferme *
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Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.20)

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191 – Et Si Tu N'existais Pas (T.Cutugno)
192 – Petite Fleur (S.Bechet)
193 – "Sway" from "Shall We Dance?" (P.B.Ruiz) #Quien Sera
194 – Music from "Sunflower" (H.Mancini)
195 – A Portuguesa (A.Keil) #National Anthem of Portugal
196 – My Wealth (Yu.Antonov) #Snova mesyac vzoshyol na tron *
197 – La Verdine (C.Lartilleux) #Running Man Song #The Gypsy Vehicle
198 – Tender Song (M.Fradkin) #Laskovaya pesnya *
199 – Train at 1.30 (V.Kulakov)
200 – Waiting (E.Krylatov)
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Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.21)

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201 – Heal The World (M.Jackson)
202 – Stormy Weather (H.Arlen)
203 – Ach, panie-panowie (B.Okudzhava)
204 – Minuetto (P.Mauriat)
205 – Take me (W.Theunissen) #Pussycat (band)
206 – Lullaby_Long Road in the Dunes (R.Pauls)
207 – Nocturne (M.Tariverdiev)
208 – Theme from "Kidnapping, Caucasian Style" (A.Zatsepin) #Kavkazskaya plennica *
209 – "So As You Were" from "Cossacks of the Kuban" (I.Dunayevsky) #Kakim ty byl *
210 – "The first spring" from "White piano" (A.Zatsepin) #Pervaia vesna *
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Sheet Music + Tabs (collection no.22)

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211 – The Jewish tailor (A.Rosenbaum) #Evrejskij portnoj *
212 – Joga (Bjork)
To be continued...

If you want to be the first to know about new arrangements, subscribe to my (Andrey Nosov's) channel on YouTube.

Andrey Nosov's Guitar School Youtube

My thoughts on...

This page of the website contains compositions of various musical genres written specifically for the SOLO guitar or arranged for it. The collection is regularly updated.

Solo, as is well-known, means «alone» or «on one’s own.» Therefore, any composition of this subsection is adopted for producing a full sound by only one guitar without the involvement of voice or other musical instruments.

In the heading «Sheet music + Tabs», you can find song adaptations for the guitar that will suit any taste: rock, jazz, the finest examples of song music, and soundtracks. The wide selection of choices will definitely give you an opportunity to find something interesting, especially if you are browsing by sampling audio files and not searching for a specific name. Even so, the same composition can have different titles in other countries sometimes. Therefore, it’s better to listen to the audio files, and you may find what you have been seeking for a long time.

Soundtrack arrangements for guitar solo. Have you ever thought about the role that music plays in films? If you haven’t, just try to switch off the sound while you are watching a film. You will immediately feel emptiness. You will find that actors’ lines no longer seem to be as moving and impressive. Why? Because music greatly magnifies our perception of what is going on onscreen, providing scenes with much more feeling and emotion. Making the world brighter and more beautiful is one feature of music, and of course, every soundtrack can certainly be considered as an independent composition, which deserves to be played by guitar (a wide variety of film music arrangements proves this). Brilliant music accompanied by a sophisticated instrument is the best combination you could ever imagine.

Song arrangements for guitar solo. Almost all guitar players are concerned with song arrangements. But what is the difference between my arrangements and others? My answer is: the quality of my arrangements and the attention to detail. More specifically, I not only show the melody or the harmony—this can be done by anyone who makes their own arrangements—but I also insert secondary parts, especially if they are essential to the original version. Then add original bass, ease of performance in any part and you’ll get my (Andrey Nosov’s) arrangement.

Classic music arrangements for guitar solo. The success here lies in the accurate preservation of all features of the original version. How can we possibly correct the composers whose works have already become classics? The least we can do is to treat their works of art with the utmost respect. But little insertions of intros in some small pieces or insignificant changes in the harmony to heighten the emotion won’t count, will they?

Jazz arrangements for guitar solo. The most attractive feature of jazz, as we know, is the opportunity for improvisation (in other words, composing music while you are playing on stage). But as practice shows, composition parts that are learned from sheet music and similar to improvisation (in modern music they are defined as fantasy composition parts organically combined with brilliant passages) may be even more successful. The success is, of course, dependent on the arranger’s skills in arranging the proper sheet music and on the performer’s ability to play. And that is where the problem sometimes arises…

Level of performance difficulty. Arrangements contained in this heading are, for the most part, at a medium level of performance difficulty and assume that the player already has a skilled hand in the most common guitar techniques, such as «barre,» «legato,» “natural harmonics,” «appoggiatura,» and «mordant.» This is the required minimum that enables ME to present the peculiar features that affect the recognition of a composition and allows YOU to consider yourself as a guitar player (for you cannot call yourself a guitar player if you don’t know the main techniques of guitar playing, just as you cannot call yourself a driver if you cannot turn or park a car).

If suddenly it appears that my arrangements seem too difficult for you to play, please keep your spirit up. Performance skills will come with time. There is no need to search for training materials on other websites because all necessary materials can be found in «Andrey Nosov’s Guitar School» (see Section «Guitar Lessons»). By «all», I seriously mean all. The manual includes a large amount of exercises focused on developing strength, hardiness, and mobility of your fingers, as well as detailed explanations of all training aspects, including even specifics of applying muscular force. The manual has plenty of pictures and also gives you an opportunity to study notation and analyze compositions disposed in accordance with their level of difficulty. By the end of your study you could become a skilled guitar player capable of playing compositions of any level of difficulty. See you in «Guitar Lessons»!

Any compositions under the heading «Sheet music + Tabs» can be viewed by opening a presentation (only the first page is available for free viewing). Here, I would like to address those guitarists who have a strong dislike for tablature: «Dear friends, yes, all compositions do contain tabs. But firstly, it should not be regarded as an indicator of a beginner’s level composition. Secondly, a version without tabs is included in each sample of sheet music, so please, don’t criticize this heading so much.

I also highly recommend that you listen to the audio files even if you already know or own some of the compositions. It’s not about the title of the composition, it’s about the content. You’ll have a chance to compare an arrangement with other versions. Furthermore, I would advise you not to stop listening to a composition after two or three seconds. A few seconds are not enough to understand the whole composition (especially its adaptation). «The Sicilian Clan» (Collection No.9), for example, gets started with a 40-second intro without any accompaniment, which is probably boring for those experienced guitar players who are looking for something special. But after that part… you will be rewarded with the music performed by the genius Ennio Morricone, and… well, basically, just listen to it.

Sheet music samples in the heading «Sheet Music + Tabs» are paid, but their price is not that high – just $1 each. Without any exaggeration, this is the lowest price for an author’s arrangement on the Internet, affordable for anyone. Click «Payment info» to learn more.

Andrey Nosov